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Refrigerator Heater not working Fix
Is your freezer is filled with Ice due to refrigerator heater not working ?, Here is how to fix it . Almost every refrigerator have

Defrost timer not working fix
“Defrost timer” in the name it self explains what its purpose. But , Did you know defrost timer not only controls the defrost circle but

Refrigerator Thermostat not working FIX
Refrigerator thermostat is one of the main components inside the refrigerator . Thermostat is the component that allows the user to set the refrigerator temperature

Fixing Refrigerator ice buildup Tutorial
Every refrigerator that have a freezer will cause ice building up . But , there are components inside the refrigerator that will prevent ice building

Two pin fluorescent bulb with CFL circuit
There are many tutorials on how to use a CFL circuit with four pin fluorescent tube but there are very little or no tutorial on

DownAlbum Not Working fix Tutorial
Here is how to fix DownAlbum chrome extension error cannot load required variable error. Also included in this article – Alternatives to Downalbum extension