Have you ever wonder what was the date someone became friend of you in Facebook ?. So , You can create a post celebrating the friendship. If you know how to , You can really surprise your friends .Facebook used to give you a automatic “friendship celebration” post when certain amount of years passed after you friended someone . But , This feature is no longer a available in Facebook . The only way to celebrate the friendship is by knowing the exact date .You can write it down on your diary when someone friended you in Facebook .But , What if I told you that there is a way to find the exact date of someone friended you or you have friended someone else in Facebook . Since , Facebook changes all the time it’s hard to keep track of options of the Facebook platform. People have asked this question many times in the Facebook Help center .But , No clear answer was given . Here is how to find the exact date of someone became your friend in Facebook even if they are no longer your Friend in Facebook. But , Why ? .You might ask . Because , This can be helpful to determine the date that you wants to put in the date filter If you wants to go to the beginning of your Facebook conversation or simply someone may just interested in finding the date that someone became their friend .
Facebook keep logs of everything you do in their platform. Everything you searched , everything you liked , every comment you left ..etc . Even if you delete or undo such action , Facebook logs will remains until you remove them from your activity log. Here is how to delete you activity log in Facebook to protect your privacy. This give us the ability to find the date of someone became your friend in the Facebook. This is the feature we are going to use .
If you feel lazy to read the article –
[ Here is a direct link to find the date someone became your friend in old Facebook ]
[ Here is a direct link to find the date someone became your friend in new Facebook ]
Watch This Tutorial on YouTube .
Date of Someone Friended You – Old Facebook
Go to your profile page . Click on the three horizontal dot button … and select Activity log from the drop down menu .
Click on Filter button in the top left of the Activity log page in Facebook.

Facebook Activity log filter window
Scroll down locate and check Added Friends by clicking on the circle in front of it and click on save changes .
Back in the Activity log page you can see the date of someone became your friend in the left side of the window. Scroll and find the contact to know the date. Of cause , If you want to clear that log click on the horizontal dot button … and select Delete .
Date of Someone Friended you – New Facebook
Since , Facebook recently updated their layout (around May of 2021 ) .This is how to find the date of someone became friend in new Facebook layout.
Go to your profile page . Click on the three horizontal dot button … and select Activity log from the drop down menu .
Scroll down in the left side panel , Until you find the “Connections” . Click on “Connections” . Under “Connections” you will find “Added Friends” . Click on it . In the right side panel you will see the list of your friends and the dates you friended them.
How to Clear your Facebook Activity log
As we have mentioned in the second paragraph of this article , Facebook keep all your activity within their website . If someone had access to your Facebook account they can see everything you did in your Facebook account .That’s why you need to clean your activity logs periodically. Here is how to do it.
Clear Facebook Search History
Why clean Facebook search history ?. You might ask . Because, There are lot of joint or shared accounts in Facebook (spouse , Lovers sometimes do use a single account ) , One persons activity is visible to the other .One of these most visible activity is your search history (What you have searched in Facebook) . As soon as the other person click on the search text input , a drop down list of previous search terms will appear as suggestions . So , This can lead to many other problems. That’s why you need to clear your search history in Facebook.

Clearing Search History in Facebook
Go to the Activity log page as we have mentioned in the first step and click on “Filter” link on the top left . If you wants to select a specific year , Click on the drop list below “Year” and select the year that you wants. If you wants select all the search data , Select “ALL“. Scroll down in the categories section until you find “Search history” . Click on the circle before it (Check it) .Then , Click on “Save Changes” . Finally, Click on “Clear Searches ” on the left panel . This will clear the Facebook searches (You cant undo this action ) .
Clear Facebook Other Activity
You cannot clear other activities like the way you cleared (Bulk clear) your Facebook searches. Because , Clearing other activities involves not only clearing the log but also clearing the literal activity itself from the Facebook platform . So , Unless you wants that action to be deleted from the platform , You may skip this part. Yes , Going through activities one by one can be hard and painful. But , Facebook did it on a purpose. To prevent someone accidentally deleting all of their activities.
Go to the Activity log page as we have mentioned in the above step and click on “Filter” link on the top left . If you wants to select a specific year , Click on the drop list below “Year” and select the year that you wants. Select “ALL” to select all the data. Scroll down in the categories section until you find the activity that you are interested in . Click on the circle before it (Check it) .Then , Click on “Save Changes” .
Scroll through the activities listed in the left panel until you reach the activity that you wants to delete . Move your mouse cursor on top of that listed activity . You will see a … Three dot button appear next to it . Click on it and it will show the undo action (Delete ,Unlike..Etc) for particular activity . Then , Click on that undo action (Delete ,Unlike..Etc) . Some of these actions may only effect the activity logs others may effect the literal activities them self.
Conclusion – When Did Someone Become Your Friend in Facebook
There is not quick method to find out the date of someone become friends with you in Facebook. But , You can find the exact date of someone became your friend using the activity log feature of the Facebook. If you concerned about your privacy you may need to clean your activity logs time to time or you can delete the specific activities for specific period (cleaning your tracks) . Your activity log is only visible to you . But , if another person is using the same account , They can view it or someone who access to your account without your permission can go through your activities . There is no way to disable your activity being logged in the Facebook platform. In the plus side , logging of your activities can be helpful for future reference .
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any other method to find the date of someone friends you in Facebook ?
Unfortunately , This is the only method gives you the exact date of someone friends you on Facebook .
How to find the date of someone unfriend me ?
Facebook doesn’t seems to keep the data related to unfriending activities or Facebook doesn’t allow users to access these data . However , If we able to find any method to do so , We will update this article . But , the person that unfriended you can find that using the below method . If yo can , Ask that person to follow the steps described in the below answer to find out that date.
How to find the date that I had unfriended someone?
Yes , You can do that Go to your activity log and click on connections . Under the connections you will see “Removed Friends” button .Click on it which will show you the specific date that you unfriended someone in Facebook .
What if that person is no longer a friend ?
Don’t worry . Even that person is no longer your friend in Facebook . You will be able to see the date that person became your friend .
Any way to find the Friend request date ?
Yes , You can do that Go to your activity log and click on connections . Under the connections you will see “Recived Friend Requsts” button .Click on it which will show you the specific date that you received friend requests in Facebook .
If you wants to know the date you send someone else a friend request in Facebook . Go to your activity log and click on connections . Under the connections you will see “Sent Friend Requsts” button . You will see a list of friend requests that you have sent in the past and the dates .
Disclaimer – The content of this article may change over the time . The method that we used in this article may or may not work in future . Because , Facebook platform changes all the time . The options and menus may relocated as the Facebook layout changes . In such case please google to find the specific menus and options in Facebook . This Tutorial does not involves any illegal activities nor encourages to do such . All the actions that preformed in this tutorial are totally complies with the TOS of Facebook platform .
Author : Janaka Jayathilake