Whether you like it or not . YouTube will log some of your activity to provide you a better experience in their platform . In this tutorial we discuss various methods you can use to delete YouTube liked videos at once. This gives YouTube the ability to recommend videos for your taste . Also , Provide advertisements for your interest . These activities includes watch history , liked videos , disliked videos , YouTube search history ,liked comments , etc . However , If you don’t want these activity logging by YouTube , You can choose whether to allow or avoid some of these activity logging .
Some of these activities such as comments , Likes , dislikes need to be logged in order to YouTube platform to work . Removal of these activities will reverse the literal activity you have preformed in YouTube . Some activities can be deleted easily (eg.: watch History , Comments ) . But , Some activities cannot be deleted easily (eg.: Liked videos , Disliked videos , Liked comments ) . However , There are some alternative ways to remove these activities easily . Your liked videos will saved in a playlist which is private (Only you can see it) by default . But , You cannot delete this playlist or prevent YouTube being able to add items to this playlist.
Tutorial Overview
• Manual Delete YouTube Liked Videos.
• Delete YouTube Liked Videos with JavaScript .
• Delete YouTube Liked Videos with Automated clicking .
Why Delete YouTube Liked videos ?
If the Liked videos of yours are only visible to you , Why bother deleting it ?. This might be the question in some of the you reading this article . Well , There are many reasons . Mainly , It’s about privacy . Some people use shared devices for many of their activities . If you are watching YouTube on these devices the other person or persons that have access to this shared devices will see what you have watched and liked . This may lead to many problems . Also , Some people may use public devices (School , Work ) for watching YouTube . If you are not signed in to your YouTube account you don’t have to worry about anything . But , without signing into a your YouTube / Google account you cant preform basic activities such as liking and commenting in YouTube. So , These are the reasons why some people may consider to delete YouTube liked videos .
How to Delete YouTube Liked Videos at Once
There are few methods when it comes to deleting YouTube Liked videos . Here are some of the methods you can use to delete them .
Manually Delete YouTube Liked Videos
This method involves deleting items in the YouTube Liked videos playlist one by one .Since , You are deleting videos by mouse clicks . If you have a large amount of liked videos this will be a hard method to follow. But , For a small amount (less than 100 items) this will be easy method . However , There are two ways to do this .
Method 1 :
Single click Manual delete YouTube Liked Videos – This method only require a single mouse click to delete YouTube liked videos .
• Go to YouTube Home page .
• Click on “Liked Videos” in the left side panel .(If you cant see it , Click on the three horizontal bars in the top left corner)
• Click on “Shuffle play” or “Play All” buttons .
• Pause video by clicking on the video or pause button of the player .
• Move your mouse cursor in top of any item in the liked videos in the playlist .You will see a bin Icon . Click on it in order to delete the liked video from the playlist . This will remove the like you left in the original video.
Method 2 :
Double click Manual delete YouTube Liked Videos – This method involves two clicks in order to delete YouTube Liked videos . Although , This method require one additional click , It doesn’t involve having to open videos in the YouTube player in order to delete them.
• Open your web browser and go to YouTube Home page .
• Click on “Liked Videos” button in the left side panel .(If you cant see it , click on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner)
• You will see the items of your YouTube liked videos playlist to the left . Move your mouse cursor in top of one of the item . Then , You will see a three vertical dots . Click on it .
• Choose “Remove from Liked videos” option from that drop down menu .
Java script (Not Working)
You can remove your YouTube Liked videos with a small java code . If you search “How to delete YouTube liked videos at once” you will eventually find this code in some forums and question-and-answer websites . However , This code no longer work due to recent updates to YouTube platform . But , Lets find out what this code does and why it doesn’t work .Here is the java script code .
var items = $('body').getElementsByClassName("pl-video-edit-remove-liked-video");
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
In order to run this code you need to go to YouTube liked videos page and open the command console of your web browser (Right click on the page and select inspect then select console). Paste the code in the console . Click on “Run” or press “Enter” key . This code consists of one variable initialization and a single instruction inside a for loop .
First Line – In the first line of the code is for initialization of “items” variable . The code next to “var items ” will return a list of elements ($ – in this case used as a selector. The value that within the brackets next to it defines the limits ) . ” getElementsByClassName() ” function will return a set of all elements that has the specific class name (pl-video-edit-remove-liked-video). Simply , This code will get all the class with the name “pl-video-edit-remove-liked-video” and save it on variable “items” . The “items” variable is not a single variable it’s an array , where you can access each element by “items[x] “(x =element number) .
Second Line – The second line is a “for” loop . What this for loop will do is it will execute until there are no elements in the “items” variable . The function within the for loop is a “.click” function . It simulate mouse click event . It will click on each item automatically . This is same as you clicking on the “Remove from Liked videos” option in the previous section .
That’s it , This code will click on each items “Remove from Liked videos” option which case the deletion of that item from the playlist . If you wants to exit the script you can simply click elsewhere or press “Esc” button of your keyboard .
Why This code doesn’t work ?
Lets run this code in the web browser console . You will get a “undefined” error . If you look at the first code line , You can see that it rely on the class name “pl-video-edit-remove-liked-video” . If you go to YouTube liked videos page and inspect the page , You cant find such class in that pages HTML code . Technically , It should be the class name of the “Remove from Liked videos” button . That is why it doesn’t work . Because , It cant find the class name .
Can it be fixed ?
var items = $('body').getElementsByClassName("ytd-menu-service-item-renderer");
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
So , To fix it all you have to do is to replace the class name with the new one right ? . Unfortunately that’s not the case here . If you right click and inspect that button you will see a different class name (“ytd-menu-service-item-renderer”) . If you inspect other buttons in this drop down list you will find out that all of them uses the same class name.This is why replacing the class name in the code will not work .In order to automate the clicking action , The class name for the Remove from Liked videos” button should be identical . In this case it’s not .
If you run this code with the new class name . It will click all the options in the drop down menu . One of these option (save to playlist) will open a pop-up window . This will cause the clicking action to stop and prevents the clicking of “Remove from Liked videos” option . This is why this code will not work even if you replaced the class name . YouTube layout changes all the time . They changed the Liked videos code upon one of these updates .
We have modified the code to skip the first three button press . But , It didn’t work .It steps out of for loop after one deletion . For now , It seems this code need a new approach . Since , This method doesn’t work lets find some alternative ways to delete YouTube liked videos at once.
Auto clicking / Micro Clicking
Automated clicking is a process that manipulates your mouse movement and click using a software tool . It literally mimics your mouse movement . The software tool will preform the mouse action without your presence . Since , the deletion of YouTube liked videos is a follows a same continuous mouse movement and actions . We can use this automated clicking software to preform the actions . Here are some of the advantages of this method .
• Fast – This method is faster than any other methods .Because , It’s automated .Only thing limits it’s speed is your PC specifications and web browser speed .
• More Options – This software tools have many features that allows the user to fully control the clicking action . You can set the delay between clicks and many more .
• Small in size – This software tools are very small in size . You don’t have to worry about it .
• Unaffected by YouTube platform updates – Unlike java script method this method is foolproof and will work in the future . As long as YouTube allows manual deletion of liked videos , This method will work .
• Freeware – Most of these automated clicking tools are freeware. You don’t have to purchase them (But , Feel free to donate to the creator if you like the software tool) .
These are the advantages . Lets find out how to use these software tools to delete YouTube liked videos .However , There are two methods .Here is the first method.
Method 1 :
• Download the Auto clicking software from Here .( You can use other auto clicking software as well .)
• Double click on the setup file and install it .
• In your web browser go to YouTube liked videos page . And click on “Play All” button . Pause the video that played in the player . Minimize the browser window .
• Double click on the “murgee auto mouse click” tool desktop icon to run the tool .
• Get the auto click tool window in top of the web browser window by clicking on the taskbar icon.
• In the software interface click on “Pick” button and then move your cursor in top of any item in the liked videos playlist where you will see a bin icon . Click on that bin icon (Software will get the bin button coordinates ). If you accidentally clicked on somewhere else go back to software and click on the item in the list and press delete button.Then , Try again .
• In the software select “Left Click” from the “Action Type :” drop down list.
• Type the amount of milliseconds that you wants between each click in the “Delay Before Action:” input field . Make sure to give enough time between clicks so that YouTube can update the play list as the auto clicking tool deletes the liked videos . If not , It will run out of items before it finishes all the items in the liked videos playlist (In that case press “F5” key to reload the web page)
• Double click on the item in the list . In the “Edit Left Click Action parameters” window . Input the amount of times that you wants to repeat the action in the “Repeat Count” input field (Type the amount of video likes that you wants to delete) .Then , Click “OK”.
• Now we are ready to automate the clicking action . But , we must create a shortcut key for start and stop of the script . Click on the “Start Stop Script Execution :” input field . Press any combination of keys for the stop or start of the clicking action . Then , Click on assign . Press these keys if you wants to start or stop the clicking action .
• Make sure the web browser window is behind the Auto clicking software tool . Then , Click on “Start” . Wait until the clicking action to be finished. Anytime you wants to stop the script press the shortcut keys we have assigned in above section.br />
Method 2 :
• Download the Auto clicking software from Here .( You can use other auto clicking software as well .)
• Double click on the setup file and install it .
• Go to YouTube liked videos page . Minimize the browser window .
• Double click on the “murgee auto mouse click” tool desktop icon to run the tool .
• Get the auto click tool window in top of the web browser window by clicking on the taskbar icon.
• In the software interface click on “Pick” button and then move your cursor in top of any item in the list .You will see a three vertical dots click on it . If you accidentally clicked on somewhere else go back to software and click on the item in the list and press delete button.Then , Try again .
• Back in the software interface click on pick again . Then click on the “Remove from Liked videos” option from the drop down list.
• In the software interface select “Left Click” from the “Action Type :” drop down list.
• Type the amount of times that you wants to run the script in the “script repeat :” text input . (Depends on the amount of liked videos that you wants to delete.)
• Click on the “Start Stop Script Execution :” input field . Press any combination of keys for the stop or start of the clicking action . Then , Click on assign . Press these keys if you wants to start or stop the clicking action .
• Make sure the web browser window is behind the Auto clicking software tool . Then , Click on “Start” . Watch as it delete YouTube liked videos one by one .
The reason behind why someone wants to delete YouTube Liked videos largely remains personal . There are several methods to delete YouTube Liked videos . Some of these methods no longer work due to updates to the YouTube platform. Removing liked videos one by one manually can be painful . But , We can automate this process by using a Auto clicking software tool . This is one of the most easy method so far for batch deleting liked YouTube videos .
Frequently Asked Questions
Can others see my liked videos ?
If you don’t make your like videos playlist private , Others can see it .Go to the YouTube’s account privacy page and enable “Keep all my saved playlists private” . (Enable means the button is on the right side) .That’s it . Now go to your YouTube channel page and click on “Playlists” and you will see a “private” label in your liked videos playlist which means that this playlist is only visible to you.
How to remove disliked videos ?
Unfortunately , YouTube doesn’t keep a disliked videos playlist . Because of that it’s not that easy to remove disliked videos. The only way to remove the dislikes from the original videos is by going to the original video and click on the blue dislike button . You can find your disliked videos list from here . Deleting the activity from that page does not remove the dislike from the original video . It just removes the activity log .
Can I use other automated clicking software ?
Yes , You can . But , make sure that they have the following features . Ability to stop the clicking action through shortcut keys , ability to set delay between clicks and the ability to set the amount of clicks .
Disclaimer – The content of this article may change over the time . The methods that we used in this article may or may not work in future . This tutorial does not provide any hacking or illegal activity. tutorial may or may not against the YouTube’s Terms and conditions. Please , Read the Terms and conditions before following this tutorial . We are not responsible for any terms and condition violation that caused by following this tutorial .
Author : Janaka Jayathilake
Published on : 16|05|2021